"Tracks," by Ann Malaspina

Born in Brooklyn NY, Ann Malaspina has an M.F.A. in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts.  She is a poet, journalist, and children's author. Her next book A Scarf for Keiko will be out in 2019. 

One summer we lived 
in an old mill house
on Pall Mall Street
with railroad tracks 
in the backyard. 

On windless nights
the freight cars came
carrying chemicals or grain
while I tapped my typewriter
and you drank beer.

The neighbor man with
the most beautiful baby boy
would say to me--
When are you having one?
Don't wait too long.

The tracks rattled, the baby 
cried. I tapped out stories 
about lost turtle eggs 
and vanishing swamps, 
savoring my time.